That twitter thing.
So you’ve probably noticed the addition of the little bit of text under the advertising as of late. It would appear I’ve finally broken down and created a twitter account. I have been an adamant opponent to the whole business for a number of reasons, not the least of which was a “Wired” article wherein the term “Twitterati” was coined to describe the legions of people switching from normal blogging to the now condensed form we see today. Something about “Twitterati” sent me through the roof.
I have to admit an initial dirty feeling from it’s use, but I’m growing accustomed to it daily. Especially since as a tool I now have an even more widespread method of updating you guys on new posts and comics to the site.
So…enjoy? I hope you enjoy it, that would suck if you didn’t.
“one of us…one of us…one of us…”
I fought it for a long too, but it’s actually pretty useful.