The Great Snake Escape 6:14

The Great Snake Escape 6:14

Ooooh, you know he’s in trouble. Mmmm-hmmm. Personally, I think he had it coming.

So a thread has been running around Facebook today, where friends send a request to their friends in an endless chain asking you to state your 15 favorite albums in 15 minutes. When given this mammoth task I was rather baffled. I honestly couldn’t give an answer that I’d be satisfied with. Basically my list would go something like this: Every album ever made by the Jam, followed by every album made by Frank Zappa (except “Jazz From Hell,” though I think that album was meant as a joke), followed by every album made by Queen, then Miles Davis, then Igor Stravinsky then Iron Maiden, then Rush, Dio,Devo,The Beatles,The Clash,KingCrimson,PinkFloydElectricLightOrchestraJethrolTullBillyJoelCaptainBeefheart on and on and on. You see, the problem is, I really haven’t listened to that many albums in full, I came into music about the same time Limewire and other music sharing tools came in vogue so I always listened to artists on a track to track basis collecting songs like they were pokemon, I never really bought CDs for the longest time. As I hit college, piracy became passe and I started hitting the music shops and buying them there album-discie things. But even after all that, I really couldn’t tell you which collected batch of songs burnt on CD were my favorite. It’s a difficult question for somebody who prefers listening to music in a radio arrangement, i.e. you don’t know what’s coming up next. I always get bored knowing which song is going to come next in the playlist, yeah that’s right, I’m a shuffle kind of guy.

I’ve had to wait atleast three years before listening to my old CD catalogue. Now it’s mostly new again, but even then…

Basically what I’m saying is, I don’t really have a favorite album, I can’t think in that way. It’s way too difficult. However, I do have a number of enjoyable albums I can recommend to you in no meaningful order.

-Confessions of a Rainwater


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