Mr. Fahrenheit Page 14

Mr. Fahrenheit Page 14

Austin’s Notes: It’s a bit fitting that the Trucker Witch is accused of “never letting anyone finish a thought” when she herself only emits a handful of utterances this entire story. Curt people’d like to keep curt company, I guess (what was Reginald going to say, anyway? The world will never know).

Also, don’t let Mr. Rainwater catch me gushing, but I LOVE the last panel on this page. Blatantly cartoony antics and postures always make me smile, and Ned flying through the air in a ball (his coiffure here serving as a pair of wings, it looks like), well, that’s just about as perfectly goofy as I could wish.  I feel like this is an element that, while currently not so prevalent in the story, will soon be a big part of the style again.

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