Take Down 4:12

Take Down 4:12

Posted this pic up on my DeviantArt about two weeks ago and thought I’d share it with you folks.

Never actually finished Final Fantasy 7 myself, though I watched my friend basically beat it from start to finish. At the time, an RPG like that was big news. The characters were well developed (at the time), the graphics were amazing (at the time) and the plot was riveting (once again, at the time). I’d never seen cutscenes in a game like that before and I always sat around waiting to see the newest “state of the art 3D CGI cinematic.”

HOOO BOY! How them times have changed. A game like that looks like a joke nowadays, and the story…well, there’s far better in my opinion if you’ve ever been itching to play a JRPG, which I’m not right now. My tastes have changed drastically over the last ten years. Maybe one day I will share those tastes with you, until then, keep reading, and keep rocking.


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