Avoid The Green Creeper 2:16

Avoid The Green Creeper 2:16

“It never really occurred to me that I could write under the comic itself in a way that was separate from the “blog” area, but having discovered this I can’t help but want to give you my director’s notes. Actually I’d like Austin to do some of that too, but what with him being so busy with school and all… Ah well, don’t worry, I’ll get him to write on here eventually, even if requires great pains.”

“So this page begins my favorite section of “Avoid The Green Creeper,” now we get to know a little bit about Alex, and also my inking finally levels out. Hot dog! This is also the only track you’ll see me experiment with dry brush for shading effects. I don’t think I’m ever going to do that again, not because i hate it, but because it didn’t fit what I’m working towards.”

Matthew J. Rainwater


  1. hj says:

    The shading effects look pretty cool.


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